Friday, February 20, 2015

Truth-Force...Flow, No resistance...No Religion...No Borders...No Greed...No Hunger

                                        THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE MANKIND
No doubts we are, we exist…and we are all different, each one of us, I mean humankind, is a masterpiece created by the creator regardless of all kind of distractors. Believe it or not, we are the children of the highest intelligence…..see how you think or move. As its children, we can be what we want to be, if we believe in caring and loving parenting…that is what we have. We are worthy and deserve all that we desire, and goodies. On the contrary, if we are stuck with the idea of carelessness and worthlessness, we carry all those limitative ideas of lack, fear, useless, etc. all those false ideas that do not mean who we are but some other’s ideas based on some kind of actions or relationships, not the reality of the person. The ghost in my mind, “you can even cut the plant right”, the way my mom wanted, is fading with the help of my awareness… I wish I knew by then that words can affect you if you allow it to happen. Besides…so what, that is not who I am…It does not matter if I can do it or not…it is not me, I was born to do something different than that. I’m not blaming her; she did the best from what she had, knew and was in life.

I wonder if you have ever felt really angry at someone and wished to see this person dead…When I see someone in jail, I am grateful that nothing happened when I had that extreme anger many years ago.  Every one of us is a potential criminal and a potential saint. It takes a fraction of a second to do something we could deeply regret for life. In those days with no much experience I can say it was a matter of “luck” but now I know I would be able to control any sign of discomfort by responding not reacting, being slow to judge and quick to praise.

Practicing gratitude for even the smallest things brings more and more of what we are grateful for. Stop reading….this is not as important as begin to be grateful for one small thing. Blessing everything and everyone, even what we call bad things prepare us for better ones, teach us some lesson, we may not see the benefits at the moment. The positive attitude that comes out from being grateful is what I consider the essence of experiencing life with all that it brings with no judgments and no pretentions to change it. Even suffering, be able to take it as a new lesson to test sensitivity around us and grow stronger in unity and acceptance.

I noticed “my” (I’m using my for the purpose of understanding but for sure I know it is not mine) habit of turning the television on or having some noise around me. I realized I was kind of afraid to be alone and in silence just be. It is worth the time to let our own ideas to flourish. Not only that, but I suggest to have a conscious decision if watching television, to avoid the effects of what you don’t want to hear unconsciously turning you out of what you really want. Knowing that we are more than flesh and trusting our intuitions, meditation (not necessarily transcendental nor deep but any, even mindless observation) is a tool that facilitates the state of mind open to ideas, solutions for our problems and somehow allows our needs to show up in our lives.

What if everyone acknowledges that each one of us sees things differently, perceives according to his previous parameters. Nor even the colors are the same for all. What if everyone behaves as if there were more than one point of view in any situation? Some people speak for others, put words in others feelings. When I lost my car in an accident, some people not only expected me to say “how bad I missed it” but even put words of sadness and sorrow to my experience. We can allow people to guide our feelings or we can “feel” the truth for ourselves. The weather is a constant topic of conversation around; I have to agree with people, or to make an “arrogant” of myself if I truly express what I think. I think that there is not bad weather but wrong inappropriate clothing. Anyway, the truth may be problematic at this point because perception is different for everyone.

These days’ news about young millionaires, women millionaires, generous and good people millionaires, hardworking millionaires, may raise the question about stereotypes. Some are facts that help to uncover the truth and to break with old false ideas that may stop us from having our desires. Setting ourselves free from ideas of scarcity and worthlessness is to see reality when opened to all possibilities and understanding that the supply is somewhere, like an apple tree we don’t always see the fruit but soon they will grow. There are opportunities for everyone without limitations; we just have to be able to “see” and allow them in our lives.

The truth that sets us free has to be revealed. We need to install a new updated program based on facts, zero traditions, misconceptions, prejudices, preconceptions, or stereotypes. Being aware we observe those habits that show up in our daily living and we may keep, maintaining “normality” around us, or we may remove ourselves from those conversations or situations in which clarifying the facts would result on hurting others’ feelings and see ourselves as asocial. As in the topic mentioned before, I love snow, the cold days and never agree it is “bad weather”. Once in a while I feel like clarifying the idea at least by saying: It is what it is! Unless you have a firm decision, a strong desire, and you remember it at every segment in your life, you have a good probability of being guided away from your desire because “that’s life” and the norm is to create by default so we don’t annoy but follow the crowd. Some conversations rule over assumptions or generalizations and a tendency to take things personally.

Nothing has the power to affect us neither for good nor for bad. Only when we give things or ideas the power we choose to give them, we allow them to have an effect in our lives. Life is what it is. I dream with John Lennon’s: no countries…no religion…no need for greed or hunger…a brotherhood of man… as One, sharing the entire world…oh oh…you may say I’m a dreamer….. I can only fuel that energy to reach and fill bigger spaces. I can only remind humans that life is not a matter of struggle for survival. There’s no such a thing as struggle for life, but cooperation with life. By now I just acknowledge how a small sign of praise can help and empower people; how listening is a quality of the understanding and living that shows up in cared and loved ones and, that I have the option of being quite understanding by “wearing some other’s shoes” and treat everybody and everyone as a brother or a sister. 

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