Monday, February 6, 2012


The way you see…. is who you are
The way you choose to see some things
You can let them bother you
Or you can choose to let them be.
You can give them power to change
The way you feel when you see them
You can let them slide aside
Or otherwise to crash in pain.
If you let them go away
Calm in your mind…even they're there.
But it can hurt putting a fight
You give to them power to move.

But move? …What way?
For good or bad
You interpret them
The way you want.
It's not what you have, nor even the brand
Either are your friends what make life grand
If you see a bird a beautiful one
You stuck with the name you don't let it fly.
I tried myself
I set up my mind
It's sour they said
But not to my taste.
From many I have read some wonderful truths
From Eckhart Tolle the powers is now
And for Williamson agreeing with Tolle
Returning to love begins in the now.

For Hay what we's loving ourselves
It's our right from birth on
we need to bring back
Our health and fulfilment we need to regain
Approve what we do with love and with care.
And for Goldsmith
Everything is in
All you have to do
Is quiet your mind.
God is everywhere in the C I M
One Son only one
Only one of us
We create our life
Every one of us;
Nothing power has
To make us that ill
Nor weak, frail or sad
All is in within;
Nothing has a meaning
You give it it's all
Everything is sweet
If there is but love;
Even pain and sorrow
I have made up both
Apart from the Lord
Apart from His will
Fear has no meaning
Apart from His love;
Forgiveness is freedom
Defencelessness strength
If we recognize
Our minds are all one
Never separated
From what God created
In tranquillity
Peace of mind and love.
I love with the Hicks
The fact that is joy
Fun is everything
That makes our lives great.
I prove it myself
I love what I do
I have lots of fun
While writing to you
No matter what is
Remain in the vortex
Excitement in all
Get yourself a rest
Relax and just love
And feel it your best.
                          martha triana
                                       February 2011